Friday, December 27, 2019

World Hunger Real Serious Problem - Free Essay Example

Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1582 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2019/05/29 Category Science Essay Level High school Tags: World Hunger Essay Did you like this example? Many people disagree on whether world hunger is a major issue or not. According to the World Bank, more than one quarter of the worlds population lives in poverty. That is one billion people of the worlds population that are extremely poor. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "World Hunger: Real Serious Problem" essay for you Create order Almost half of the worlds population, three billion people, live on less than $2.50 a day, while the rest are living on $140 a day. This is in no way fair nor humane. According to UNICEF, one billion children around the world live in poverty, and 22,000 children die each day due to it. If this is not a problem, what is? World hunger is a major problem around the world, and will continue to be a major problem until something is done to prevent it. Poverty is one of the leading causes of world hunger. While not every poor person is hungry, almost all hungry people are poor. Poverty is an increasing problem, especially globally. This is due to the rise in food prices, according to the United Nations reports. Many people live with hunger because they do not have enough money to buy the food they need, or to buy farming supplies to grow their own food (The Hunger Project). Them not being able to purchase or grow their own food makes it more likely that they will be hungry, adding to the number of people who are hungry around the world. Poverty has been a growing problem , which causes world hunger to be a growing problem. World hunger has been a growing problem for a long time, and still is. From 1985-1992, the number of Americans suffering from hunger rose from 20 million to 30 million (Wright 1). That is 10 million more people suffering from hunger in just seven years. As of today, the number of Americans suffering from hunger is 41 million. That is 21 million more people in 26 years. While that is a smaller growth, it is still a growth, which means that is is still a problem. The number of Americans suffering from hunger is growing, and will continue to grow until the government takes initiative to overcome the problem. The United States had been trying to make gains in reversing hunger and malnutrition since 1970, through federal food programs (Wright 1). Over the 48 years that they have been trying to change things, not much has changed. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed, but they also have not been enough to stop the growth nor lower the number of people in America suffering from hunger. Am erica is not the only country who contributes to the total number of people who suffer from hunger around the world. Many other countries have people suffering of hunger as well. Asia has the most people suffering from hunger. It makes up two thirds of the total number of people suffering from hunger in the world. China and India are the most populated countries in the world. This greatly contributes to them being the two most hungry countries in the world. During the years of 1958-1962 an estimated 15 to 30 million people died due to starvation (Wright 17). This is no minor issue. More than 15 million people died in just four years. That is about 10,300 people dying a day, all caused by the same issue. So much could be done to prevent this from being the case. As of today 526 million people in Asia are undernourished (Pandey). While this number has gone down since 1990, it is nowhere near as low as it should be. The problem is very large and needs to be assessed . The more people that die, the less doctors and lawyers we have in the world. The more that children are hungry, the less work they do. Hunger leads to death and causes weakness in the youth. Children who are hungry are proven to do worse in school than children who are not. Many children in schools may not show that they are hungry because it is a silent problem (Shapiro 81). Most teachers and school administrators may think that students do not know the material, or they do not apply themselves. In reality, the students cannot focus on their work because all they can focus on is the noise their stomachs are making, and the pounding headache they have from not eating anything since the day before, at school. About 5.5 million children are underfed (Shapiro 81). That is 5.5 million children around the world who most likely only get fed when they are at school. This means that when children go home during weekends, breaks, and other days which could pop us such as snow days, they do not get fed, and when they get back to school the food that they get may not even fill them upleaving them to go the rest of the day, until the next day at school, hungry. They live meal to mea l. Nothing they have goes to waste. Some kids even save their meals from school to take home to be sure they have something to eat for dinner, or for their little siblings who do not go to school yet. Many children are set up to live like this because of what is going on with their parents. There are many different reasons for them being in this predicament. Many parents may be undocumented, or incarcerated. These families and children would most likely be minorities. Minorities account for majority of the people who are malnourished around the world. This is due to many different reasons. Some being unemployment, low wages, high incarceration rates, and lack of healthy, affordable food (Cooper). Minorities are not able to get money without a job, which causes them to not be able to afford food to put on the table. It is the butterfly effect. It has become an endless cycle. The parents get into situations that lead the children into getting into some of the same situations. If the parent is not making enough money to provide for the children, the children try their best to fend of themselves. This leads the children to stealing and getting into trouble themselves. That leaves them with a criminal record that will one day make it hard for them to get a job and provide for their family, which then has their kids doing the same thing they were doing, all because they are hungry and do not have anything to eat. This is a horrible problem. Children going down the same paths as their parens will have the hunger rates, if not raising, staying stagnant. Which mens it is not getting any better than it already is. Leaving the world, once again, with a problem that still needs to be addressed. The number of African Americans suffering from malnourishment is 10 million. The number of Latinos suffering from malnourishment is an astonishing 13 million (USDA). That is an overall 23 million people suffering from hunger within only two race groups. The world should be disappointed in this number. There is no reason for it to be this high. Things have been put into place to lower these num bers, but whether they really work is the question. Many governments around the world have tried numerous times, with numerous different tactics, to make it so that no one goes hungry. They have put multiple forms of aid in place to assist the people of their countries, some being food pantries, food donations, and even birth control education. The food pantries and donations are there to help people get the nutritious food they need at little or no cost. This is a minor fix to a major problem. The food donations and pantries will never be enough. They may feed a few families, and lower the number of people who are hungry by a few thousand, but that will never make a dent in the millions of people around the world who are still starving to death because they do not have access to the food they need. Some countries offer birth control education as well. This is to prevent the population from growing, which overall stops the growth of people who suffer from hunger. While it is a good effort and idea, people may not have the money and re sources to purchase the birth control they need. Birth control can be expensive for people to purchase. The already do not have enough money for food, so they definitely do not have enough money for birth control. This means that people will continue to have children, and the population will still grow as well as the number of people suffering from hunger. Leaving the world with a seemingly endless problem. All in all world hunger is a very real, and very serious problem. Poverty is one of the main causes of it. More than one billion people suffer from hunger. World hunger affects everyone slightly different, but overall the same, children who suffer from hunger tend to do worse in school, and pay attention less. Adults who suffer from hunger tend to have to worry about their children getting the necessary food they need to survive. Minorities usually suffer the most from hunger, but it is still a major problem among everyone. There have been things put in place to reverse or stall world hunger but not many of them actually worked. The ones that did work did not help very much. More things need to be done to prevent the growth of world hunger. If nothing is done, world hunger will continue to be one of the largest problems the world faces today.

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Has Gender Equality In Sports Reached The Finish Line Essay

â€Å"The practice of physical education and sport is a fundamental right for all.† (UNESCO) Gender equality in sports is still lacking even after title IX. People seem to only care about males, when it comes to sports. Women have accomplished just as much, achievements or more in sports, but men still seem to get all of the attention. Women should receive equal treatments in sports, because attention increases womens self esteem, they get no media attention or scholarship, and finally it infringes on Title IX. Surprisingly, when women are active in sports they seem to have more self confidence and self awareness. When women are treated equally they know they are just as important as men, which has a drastic boost in their self esteem. When†¦show more content†¦This outlook on women is definitely not going to help the situation in any matter. When women are involved more in sports they seem to express themselves better (Women 2000). Sometimes when someone is involved in a sport and usually does not communicate that well the sport seems to help them in that way that other people do not understand. When women participate in sports it can cause stereotyping towards them good and bad(â€Å"Women†). If women were to have bad stereotyping in their sports career then it would definitely not help women’s self esteem. The media is reflected in self esteem also. However self esteem is not the only cause in women in sports. Media also has a major impact in women’s sports. When women do not get the same media coverage as men do in sports, it is not fair or equal. If women had more media attention it would increase in numbers watching and the interests in the sports. It would be a huge step in women’s sports if there would be people to do document stats(â€Å"Women†). Women’s sports rarely seem to get televised, but men always get their sports televised live(Messner). If women were to have just as much media coverage they would get the same attention as men sports do. A commentator got caught not saying womens last name(Messner, Michael). There also have been cases where basketball commentators would make women feel not as important by making statements such as â€Å"big girl†(Messner). If commentators make these kind of comments then there definitelyShow MoreRelatedEquality Is The Country Of Equality Essay2 345 Words   |  10 PagesAmerica is the country of equality that gives everyone the same opportunities and rights. Likewise, that image can still be seen in the present timeline, as the idea of equality is the one thing that sets this country apart from other. Needless to say, we all love and support equality for we all want to see the ideal vision of a place where there is no discrimination so we can all enjoy our happiness together. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Business Model Canvas Analysis of Littlepay-Samples for Student

Question: Discuss about the business model canvas analysis of the micro payment service provider Australian organization Littlepay. Answer: About Littlepay Littlepay is an Australian start-up company which provides financial services which focusses on services related to the processing of services related to micro payment. This organization helps the transport companies, the operators and the authorities to accept the payments with the help of cloud-based banking. The website of the organization provides high level technologies for supporting the multi-operator payments. The organization was established in the year 2015 by Michael Walters (Stockwell, 2018). The company is backed by another famous global investment organization which has a good track record of investing in the various payment related technologies and further developing them. The company aims at creating solutions which address the major pain points of the industry and makes transport related facilities seamless. The website provides more options related to payment which improves the customer satisfaction levels and their loyalty as well. The acquiring system of Littlepay helps the organizations in accepting payments from any channel or device, track the performance and further manage risks as well (Aversa et al., 2015). Business model canvas of Littlepay Key Partners The organizations which use the payment platform. The financial institutions which provide payment related services. The effective management team of the organization (Dudin et al., 2015). Key Activities Providing smart payment options to the various small and the medium-sized organizations. Providing an easy and safe platform to the business organizations to help them in accepting payments. Value Proposition The company believes in providing easy payment options to the various small and medium-sized organizations. Creating a safe ecosystem for payments by the efficient team in the organization. Developing new technologies in ways of accepting payments. Customer Relationships The company creates customer relationship with the help of its website and the social media platforms. The payment options are created based on the preference of customers. Customer Segments The small and the medium level organizations. The customers who make payments to the various organizations. Key Resources The bank level infrastructure that is built by the company officials. The team of engineers who aim to implement new technologies in the operations of the organization. Channels The website of the company. The loosely coupled systems. The powerful process of analysis. The easily configurable products of the company. Cost Structure Maintaining the license that is required to perform financial transactions. Development of the facilities provided by the website to the various organizations. Management if security of the data of various consumers (Frana et al. 2017). Revenue Streams The subscription related fees that are made by the various organizations. The payment related commissions received from the organizations. Key relationships between nine building blocks of Business Model Canvas The nine buildings of the business canvas model are related to each other in an effective manner. The key partners of the company which include, the organizations or the merchants who register their operations with the website of Littlepay. The various financial institutions which help the company in creating an infrastructure similar to the facilities provided by the bank have an effect on the customer segments of Littlepay. The organizations are able to accept their payment easily with the help of the effective banking infrastructure. The key resources of the company which include the effective team of engineers help in the development of the services that are provided in the website of Littlepay. The developed facilities provided by the website helps Littlepay in acquiring customers (Fritscher Pigneur, 2014). The small and medium organizations are able to accept payments from the customers with the help of the end to end payment related technologies which are developed by the eng ineers of Littlepay. The effective channels of payment established by Littlepay helps the company increasing the number of organizations which use the platform to accept the payments. The revenues that are collected by the company from the subscription fees help Littlepay in improving its operations and offerings so that the customer segments can be increased (Ghezzi et al., 2015). Critical success factors of Littlepay The critical success related factors of the company are related to the powerful analysis methods that are available for the examination of data of the organizations that are available in the website of Littlepay. The products that are offered by the company are configurable in nature and enables the easy maintenance of the business rules, concessions and the combos that are provided by the organizations. The aggregation related programmes are based on the customers, products, operators, location and the time (Zolnowski Bhmann, 2014). The platform that is provided for the merchants helps in providing single view for the customers. The interface that is provided by the website is user-friendly in nature. The services in the website of Littlepay are designed by collaborating with the users and providing them with the products that they require (Joyce Paquin, 2016). The acceptance of the payments that are made by the customers can be controlled with the help of the website. The product s can be customised to provide the services that are required by the various groups of customers. Littlepay mainly provides services to the transport related organizations. The website can be used by the merchants of the company to issue travel cards so that the customers can store the rights and products related to the travel package that they have purchased. The website of Littlepay also provides customer platforms which help them in managing accounts, view their transaction history. The Littlepay website provides many value-added services to the customers which helps the website in attracting more customers. The security provided to the customers based on the travel history and the funding related sources are also major critical success factors of Littlepay. The bank level infrastructure that is provided by Littlepay helps the company in creating a successful platform for the various transport organizations (Ojasalo Ojasalo, 2015). This also helps the organization in creating ef fective customer base for both the merchants and the customers of the merchant organizations as well. The easy and safe interface of the website designed by Littlepay helps the company in attracting more customers. The organization helps in the management of various types of payments that can be provided to the customers. The loyalty pf the customers increase with help of effective management of the various payment options. Littlepay helps in organising the payments made by the customers to the transport organizations. The organization is quite passionate about the payment related services that can be provided to users. This unique concept has helped the company to gain a huge amount of success within a short time period (Plenter et al., 2017). Risks related to operations of Littlepay in the industry The major risk that is associated with the operations of the organization is the security that is to be provided to the customers and the merchants who register with Littlepay. The costs related to appropriate security measures are also quite high. This can put pressure on the revenue stream of Littlepay. It has been analysed from the business model of the organization that the promotional and advertising related activities are lacking. This can have an adverse effect on the revenues and profits of the organization in the near future. The website is providing a banking level interface to the merchants and the customers. This service can prove to be quite expensive for a new organization like Litttlepay (Toro-Jarrn, Ponce-Jaramillo Gemes-Castorena, 2016). The various technologies, certificates and support required to provide a banking level interface can put immense pressure on the profits of the website. The customer support related interface of Littlepay is quite weak and this has been proved from the company website. This can cause loss of the customers of the organization in the future. This will further have an effect on the loyalty of the customers and the merchant companies as well (Vargas, Calva Camacho, 2015). Recommended changes in the business model of Littlepay The business model of Littlepay can be changed and developed so that the risks related to the profitability of the organization can be mitigated easily. The website focusses its business activities mostly on the transport related organizations. Littlepay can increase its revenues in the future by expanding its business operations in the other areas. The website can provide this payment related facilities to the retail organizations, the electronics companies and many more. This will help the company in increasing its revenues and providing business opportunities to the organizations belonging to different fields. The lack of promotional activities can be a major cause behind the profitability related issues of the organizations. The organization can undertake its promotional activities with the help of various channels like, the social media, digital media, TV and many more. This will help Littlepay in creating awareness of its brand in the minds of the target customers. The customer relationships of Littlepay needs to be improved so that they can maintain the loyal customers. The loyal customers can help in maintaining the revenues and increasing the profitability of the organization. The company will be able to sustain in the market for a longer time with the help of their effective customer management and promotional activities. The website has an effective and efficient management team and it can use this resource to further improve the business operations and increase revenues. References Aversa, P., Haefliger, S., Rossi, A., Baden-Fuller, C. (2015). From business model to business modelling: Modularity and manipulation. InBusiness models and modelling(pp. 151-185). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Dudin, M., Kucuri, G., Fedorova, I., Dzusova, S., Namitulina, A. (2015). The innovative business model canvas in the system of effective budgeting. Frana, C.L., Broman, G., Robrt, K.H., Basile, G. and Trygg, L., (2017). An approach to business model innovation and design for strategic sustainable development.Journal of Cleaner Production,140, pp.155-166. Fritscher, B., Pigneur, Y. (2014, July). Visualizing business model evolution with the business model canvas: Concept and tool. InBusiness Informatics (CBI), 2014 IEEE 16th Conference on(Vol. 1, pp. 151-158). IEEE. Ghezzi, A., Cavallaro, A., Rangone, A., Balocco, R. (2015, April). A Comparative Study on the Impact of Business Model Design Lean Startup Approach versus Traditional Business Plan on Mobile Startups Performance. InICEIS (3)(pp. 196-203). Joyce, A., Paquin, R. L. (2016). The triple layered business model canvas: A tool to design more sustainable business models.Journal of Cleaner Production,135, 1474-1486. Ojasalo, J., Ojasalo, K. (2015, June). Service logic business model canvas: implications for service business. InProceedings of the QUIS14 Quality in Service Conference(pp. 18-21). Plenter, F., Fielt, E., Hoffen, M., Chasin, F., Rosemann, M. (2017). Repainting the business model canvas for peer-to-peer sharing and collaborative consumption. Stockwell, P. (2018) Retrieved 28 March 2018, from Toro-Jarrn, M. A., Ponce-Jaramillo, I. E., Gemes-Castorena, D. (2016). Methodology for the of building process integration of Business Model Canvas and Technological Roadmap.Technological Forecasting and Social Change,110, 213-225. Vargas, I. S., Calva, A. L. G., Camacho, J. H. (2015). Business model canvas.Ciencia Huasteca Boletn Cientfico de la Escuela Superior de Huejutla,3(5). Zolnowski, A., Bhmann, T. (2014). Formative evaluation of business model representations-The service business model canvas.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Social Media and Its Impacts on Society

Introductory Essay Social media is a communication medium, through which people in different geographical locations can interact freely via the Internet. In the contemporary world, communication technology has grown tremendously with the fast development of the high-speed Internet, high quality mobile phones, and computers that enable people to access the Internet from various parts of the world.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media and Its Impacts on Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In 2010, the Google search engine registered over one trillion different URLs, which is an indication of the tremendous growth of the global Internet community. By December 2013, Facebook had over 1.11 billion users with active accounts and the number has increased ever since. People carry out different forms of communications ranging from social interactions to business transactions over the social media. Social medi a has provided all necessary forms of communication including video conferencing for distance learning and corporate meetings. This development has emerged from the fast growth of communication technology, which transverses different economic levels across the world. The rise of social media has been facilitated by the emergence of the Internet, which came into existence with the development of the first electronic computer in the 1950s. However, the first computers were designed to serve large corporations, governments, and the military. Remarkable growth of the Internet was achieved in the early 1970s when email was invented coupled with a social network that linked the Duke University and the University of North Carolina in 1979. However, the growth of social media heightened in the early 21st century with the invention of Facebook, YouTube, Google, and other social media platforms (Boyd Ellison, 2007). Social media is very important as it trespasses different economic levels ac ross the world. For instance, through social media, a person based in the United States can interact freely with an individual in Somalia without any form of economic and social hindrance. In the past, such people would have connected in educational environments, but the situation has changed with the entry of the Internet and social media. In addition, social media is the fastest way of communication as people can chat through messaging or use the video talks while many miles apart. Hence, social media and the Internet are the only ways that global community can be formed.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Social media has influenced the society criminally, socially, and economically. Criminally, social media has led to the growth of Internet criminals. Crimes committed over the social media are of different magnitudes and they mainly include impostors, hacking, and hate speeches . These forms of crimes have an adverse impact on society as they interfere with the individual’s right for privacy coupled with causing social stigma (Schaar, Valdez, Ziefle, 2013). Secondly, social media has contributed to the growth of cultural and value degradation across various parts of the world. Apparently, a fast-growing social community is emerging across the contemporary world due to the development of new unified behaviours across different cultures, thus leading to the degradation of the traditional cultural norms. Thirdly, social media has led to an unparalleled economic growth across the world. By allowing people to share ideas, the resultant effect is the fast economic growth as some people acquire economic ideas over the social media and implement them in different places. In addition, the desire to be on social media has created good opportunities for communication technology companies to sell their products in different economies across the world. Criminal Impacts of Social Media Even though social media was developed for noble reasons, it has turned out to be the greatest threat to humanity as far as cybercrimes are concerned. Some people use social media with the intention of earning a living out of criminal activities whereby they determine easy targets through the platform. Criminal gangs such as terrorist groups also use the same media to issue threats or commit an attack. However, every country has a right to control communication and conduct surveillance on the Internet users with the help of law enforcers. Cyber terrorism is one of the worst attacks that can happen to a nation since it can crash the economy within a very short time. Therefore, it is advisable to regulate the use of social media and conduct surveillance to ensure safety at all times.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Social Media and Its Impacts on Society specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is necessary to investigate crimes through the social media as such move has many advantages over other ways. First, it is easier to get hold of personal information and communication data of a suspect without his or her awareness. The developed countries arrest a suspect only after a crime communication is done beyond reasonable doubts. Technology has provided law enforcers with systems that track the geographical location of a suspect, thus making an arrest easy. Secondly, it offers a broad level of surveillance as the majority of people are on social media. This aspect allows law enforcers to carry out investigations from a single point, while investigating many suspects at the same time. Thirdly, it takes lesser time to detect a suspect over the social media as compared to the traditional ways of investigation, which take a long time to accomplish the same task. Hence, social media offers a suitable and efficient way of conducting criminal investigations to the law enforcers. H owever, using social media to conduct criminal investigations comes with several demerits (Melander, 2010). For instance, the majority of the people in social media are literate, and thus criminals are capable of heightening their criminal activities beyond the reach of law enforcers. The most notorious criminal gangs are not feared because they have more sophisticated weapons than the government forces, as they have knowledgeable people who develop systems that create a firewall around them. In addition, social media is dynamic and hence law enforcers will be required to keep on updating themselves on the usage of the media, thus making it hard for them to reach the criminals. Criminals are capable of using disguised accounts where they communicate through coded messages that are illegible to anyone outside the gang, which makes it hard for the government forces to identify them. Therefore, social media is a complex platform for conducting criminal investigations for the law enforc ers. In conclusion, social media can be used to combat criminal activities, but the individual’s security begins with oneself. It can be a quick way of identifying criminal suspects, but also a hard way of reaching them as it is dynamic and those criminals have their own ways of disguising themselves over the media.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More However, the law enforcers cannot sit back and fail to conduct surveillance; on the contrary, they need to keep upgrading their surveillance skills as it helps to prevent cybercrime activities. Hence, social media surveillance has more advantages than disadvantages, and thus governments across the world should uphold it at any cost. Social Impacts of the Social Media The growth of social media has had great impacts on the social wellbeing of humankind across the world over the last two decades. Given that man is a social being, social media has contributed greatly to the fulfilment of this purpose by bringing together a global community in one communication platform. Interestingly, in the contemporary world, people are hardly alone provided they have the Internet, mobile phones, or computers within their reach. Social media has allowed people to travel less and communicate more, thus saving a great deal of time spent in the traditional way of doing things. However, it has brought ab out both advantages and disadvantages to the social life whereby some people have gained and others lost values due to its influence in their lives. Nevertheless, notwithstanding the foresaid demerits, social media is a great communication tool, which is slowly becoming indispensable in the contemporary world (Knobel Lankshear, 2008). By looking at the cause and effects of social media on society in the contemporary world, it becomes clear that this platform is a complex subject to humanity’s social welfare. It is often difficult to realise when social media is good or bad to the users until the repercussions manifest. Hence, the responsibility lies with the users. The users’ ignorance about the downside of social media results in the breakdown of the social fabric. Many people cannot differentiate what is good from evil, and thus they give in too much to social media. The media freedom that comes with social media hinders governments’ control over the social m edia, which allows the platform to impact the society tremendously, both negatively and positively. The perception that social media is good has led to many people nullifying the view that it is harmful if not kept under check. Social media is a community platform and just like in any other community, there should be laws and regulations to keep people’s behaviours under close check. The advantages of social media brings to society are numerous, but this paper majors on three aspects. First, social media has contributed greatly to the empowering of the societies in many parts across the world. In the contemporary world, news spreads faster across the social networks, as compared to traditional mediums like print media. Some few decades back, it took a very long time for the world to get major news, which enabled few people to have power over the majority. However, the scenario has changed as the majority can keep the few in power under check over the social media. The majorit y of the governing individuals are on social media, which deters them from exercising authoritative powers excessively over their citizens. Secondly, social media has influenced the world society towards the adoption of a near single culture that is congruent to the dynamism of the global technology. Therefore, youths unsurprisingly dress the same in nearly all countries due to the influence of social media, which has led to the development of a common global culture. Thirdly, the influence of social media has also led to the growth and development of social behaviours as every culture competes with the world’s leading cultures. Colonialists and missionaries were the first shakers of the world traditional cultures followed by economic and technological advancements, but none of them had a major impact on different cultures like the case of social media. Social media also has had its disadvantages for the society. Some people are suffering due to the effects of social media. F irst, cultural value degradation is a major crisis that the world is suffering from and it has emerged from the influences of social media. Cultural heritage is the greatest pride that different social groups have enjoyed for many years. However, the idea of adopting a common global cultural phenomenon has posed risk of loss of cultural heritages to many cultures across the world. Some of the cultural heritages that are passed to every new generation include rituals, dancing, and dressing codes among others, but the current and future generations will hardly adopt that heritage as they have already adopted a new global culture. Secondly, social media has contributed to social isolations of some groups. The illiterate and economically challenged individuals have been excluded from the new culture to a point of marginalisation. This aspect has led to social dualism, in which those with access to social media ridicule the less fortunate who cannot enjoy the perquisites that come with t his form of communication. This case of marginalisation and ridicule is extreme in the developing nations where the majority of people are not in the social media, thus causing a cultural crisis in the society. Thirdly, social media has contributed to the spreading of immoral behaviours across the world (Ferri, Grifoni, Guzzo, 2012). What seems good to a certain society is not always good to another, but the youths are vulnerable to what brings utmost pleasure, which in most cases is immoral. In conclusion, social media is a good way of communication across different cultures and at the same time bad if not controlled. Notably, it is hard to control the influences of social media to a culture, as the youths are the most vulnerable and active on the platform. Hence, the entire responsibility lies in the hands of individual users to determine the benefits that come with social media. Unfortunately, those missing from social media feel alienated and marginalised. However, the advantag es of social media outweigh the disadvantages and thus social media has become indispensable in the contemporary world. People should thus embrace social media as it simplifies communication and global interaction. Effects of Social Media on Economies Global village is a common terminology in the modern day world and it is often used to refer to the fast growing world economy. Social media has greatly contributed to the fast growth of world economies since it has brought together both sellers and buyers in a common platform. Amongst the richest traders in the world, the majority get their customers through the Internet and social media. Social media allows for trade transactions between parties that are very far from each other and hence contributing to the growth of a global economy. Traditionally, it was harder to do business across and within nations as it took long to reach customers and it demanded huge capital for advertisements. However, the case is very different today as st art-ups are capable of posing major threats to the old businesses due to the influence of the social media. In addition, economic activities are kept in check through social media and economic decision makers are aware of the power of social media, and thus they execute their strategies with extreme carefulness. The first element in the cause and effects of social media on economies is the availability of many customers on the platform. People are key drivers of the economy as every trader relies on customers for trade. Hence, the availability of many people on social media has created an excellent opportunity for traders to reach out to many people through advertising via the media. Secondly, social media brings people of different economic, professional, and cultural backgrounds together, which serve as a key determinant of economic growth. Hence, people have the power to question economic decisions, and thus contribute to the making of decisions that favour their economic wellbei ng. For instance, the Obamacare has received great social media attention and people have voiced their concerns via this platform. Thirdly, the world’s most thriving businesses are those in the information technology sector where social media has created huge demands for different products. There is a great desire for people to get into the social media and others want to communicate effectively using the best available communication devices in the market, and thus mobile telecommunication firms have a huge demand to meet. The huge demand and supply for communication products have played a major role in economic growth across the world. Advantages of social media effects on economy are numerous. First, social media enables producers to reach out to many customers. Social media has allowed producers to get wide market coverage for their products with less effort, which assures good sales and profits. In so doing, start-up businesses reach their full growth within a short time, thus increasing governments’ revenues. Traditionally, it was hard for start-ups to reach their full growth due to lack of huge capital investments required for advertisement and product promotions. However, the scenario has changed in the contemporary world as a trader can do advertisement and product promotion over social media without incurring huge costs and logistical challenges. Secondly, social media has enabled the creation of job opportunities in different economies across the world. It is easier for an individual with an economically viable idea to attract investors on social media and within a short time, the idea comes to reality, thus creating job opportunities. In addition, the fast growing trend of businesses advertising their products over the social media creates job opportunities, as they demand more labour investments. Thirdly, social media helps traders to identify new markets for their products. The world economy is nowadays a uniform economy whereby high quality products have potential to sell to other economies with ease. The social media enables a buyer to purchase products available in the world markets. In such a case, ordering products from social media sends a signal to the producers that a new market exists in a certain area. However, social media has negative effects on economies as explained in this paragraph. First, local products still face competition from imported products. Buying foreign products exposes local products, which in most cases are expensive or inferior, to the risk of extinction. In the worst case scenario, the government loses revenue, and thus loss of employment and increase dependency on the government by the population. Some governments control this scenario by imposing high taxes on imported goods, but the long-term solution is to improve the quality of local products and charge customers less (Ellison, Steinfield, Lampe, 2007). Secondly, social media has led to globalisation of world cultures, whic h has enabled some people to emigrate to fast thriving economies. For instance, developing nations have lost talents and productive people to the developed nations as the latter present more promising job offers as compared to the former. This mass emigration from developing countries has led to loss of capable workforce, thus curtailing the probability of achieving economic goals in third world countries. However, the world economies can take advantage of social media and the world’s new cultural phenomenon to add value to their local mechanisms in a bid to avoid brain drain. Thirdly, social media has also contributed to reduced productivity of employees as many employers are addicted to it, and thus spend a lot of time communicating with their friends. These behaviours are hard to contain and, in worst-case scenarios, they lead to loss making and unemployment. In conclusion, social media is good for economic growth, but it has both advantages and disadvantages. However, the sole responsibility of its outcome lies in the hands of the users. It is recommendable to use social media towards achieving economic advantage by nearly all stakeholders in an economy. Producers can take advantage of social media to identify products that best satisfy the targeted customers in the global phenomenon and capitalise on their strengths to gain a competitive advantage. References Boyd, M., Ellison, B. (2007). Social network sites: definition, history, and scholarship. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 13(1), 4-45. Ellison, B., Steinfield, C., Lampe, C. (2007). The benefits of Facebook friends: social capital and college student’s use of online social network sites. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 12(1), 1143–1168. Ferri, F., Grifoni, P., Guzzo, T. (2012). New forms of social and professional digital relationships: the case of Facebook. Social Network Analysis and Mining Journal,  2(6), 121-137. Knobel, M., Lankshear, C. (2008). Digital Literacy and Participation in Online Social  Ã‚  Networking Spaces. New York, NY: Peter Lang Melander, L. (2010). College students’ perceptions of intimate partner cyber harassment. Cyber Psychology, Behaviour, and Social Networking, 13(3), 263– 268. Schaar, K., Valdez, C., Ziefle, M. (2013). The impact of user diversity on the  willingness to disclose personal information in social network services. in human factors in computing and informatics. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlang. This essay on Social Media and Its Impacts on Society was written and submitted by user Coen Carrillo to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

The Social Significance of Advertising Essay Sample free essay sample

Potter ( 1954 ) . points out that advertisement non merely has economical effects but can besides determine peoples’ values: â€Å"The most of import effects of this powerful establishment are non upon economic sciences of our distribution system ; but they are upon the values of our society. If the economic consequence is to do the buyer like what he buys. the societal consequence. in a parallel broader sense. is to do the person like what he gets†¦Ã¢â‚¬  ( Berger. 2000. p. 27 ) This statement emphasises that the impact of advertisement media does puts force per unit area non merely on consumers to buy trade goods. but the impact of these exposures are much far more brooding on such consumers’ general consciousness. individualities. belief systems. and societies and civilization in general. Reinforcing Potter’s work. advertisement media has been criticised for â€Å"unintentionally transfusing a sense of insufficiency upon women’s self concept† . ( Martin. 2005. p. 391 ) and many argue that the mass media play a portion in reenforcing a preoccupation with physical attraction ( see both Poltarnees ( 1994 ) and Reed. We will write a custom essay sample on The Social Significance of Advertising Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page et Al. ( 2004 ) ) . Pringle ( 2004. p. 53 ) adds that the advertisement industry creates idealized stereotypes that in some manner forces adult females to populate up to. and makes adult females experience dissatisfied with the manner they are and has gone every bit far as stating that. â€Å"much of human behavior. and specifically buying. can be attributed to the desire to better presentation and desirability† . In support of this. Wan ( 2003 ) believes that females begin to tie in their ego worth with their ego perceived attraction. and visual aspect has become an of import constituent of their individuality. Past research has shown that when participants are exposed to images of attractive theoretical accounts they tend to hit their self-esteem lower than if exposed to images of less attractive theoretical accounts ( Wan. 2003 ) . These surveies suggest that media exposure of glamourous people may reenforce negative self-pride. Seno ( 2005 ) considers that adult females are progressively subjected to coerce to look good groomed and maintain certain degrees of visual aspect and this force per unit area is filtered through the media. However Black ( 2004 ) argues that although media can hold some influence. self-pride is non every bit superficial as visual aspect and involves features such as self belief. ego worth. and self assurance. However. there are many other factors that can lend to negative self-esteem. such as non acquiring ‘that promotion’ or ‘rejection from a crush’ ( Reed. et Al. . 2004 ) . Black ( 2004 ) does non disregard the influence of media influences wholly. but states that force per unit areas can come elsewhere. from societal milieus and can be internal ; for illustration ‘wanting’ to make an individuality that happens to be associated with being attractive. Martin ( 2005 ) . here found that pretty theoretical accounts were perceived to be surpassing. popular. merriment. happy. particular and pleasant ; whereas by contrast unattractive theoretical accounts were perceived as being ; awful. chilling. natural state. non happy and engaged in smoke and imbibing. The deduction here is that people would wish to be perceived with features associated with that of the pretty theoretical accounts. as opposed to the unattractive theoretical accounts. Cosmetic merchand ises can assist better and heighten one’s visual aspect and hence assistance in the creative activity of individuality. every bit good as addition ego regard and societal credence ( Reed. et Al. . 2004 ) . This in bend may be helping the growing of the decorative industry and advertisement simply shows consumers what merchandises are available to them. Langmeyer ( 1994. p. 27 ) says that â€Å"Beauty is an effectual sell† ; a point reinforced in the really rubric of Vinikas’ ( 1992 ) work: â€Å"Soft Soap. Hard Sell† . However. although many advertisement runs use glamor to back merchandises. it may be argued that it is non merely glamour that sells. Dive Cosmetics launched a run in 2005 advancing its merchandise scope by really utilizing alleged ‘real women’ as opposed to glamourous theoretical accounts. The adult females used in their run had their organic structures exposed on Television commercials. hoardings and magazines. and their frock sizes ranged from UK frock size 14 onwards. This run proved to be a success with the message being sent to consumers that â€Å"All tegument is beautiful† when attractively moisturised ( Clegg. 2005 ) . The success of this run may hold been due to the fact that ordinary adult females were able to place with the ‘real women’ in the run. who appeared to be confident with their organic structure sizes and forms. This run besides gave adult females the chance to inherit feelings of self credence and â€Å"love the tegument you’re in† ( Clegg. 2005 ) .

Sunday, November 24, 2019

France Tourist Industry

France Tourist Industry Geography, Climate and the Socio-Political History of France France is commonly officially known as the French Republic. The country is in the Western Europe with several territories and islands. France is sometimes referred to as the Hexagon because of the Hexagonal shape of its territory. It is bordered by Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany, Switzerland, Italy and Monaco and Spain and Andorra lie on its south.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on France Tourist Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is connected to the United Kingdom via a Channel Tunnel which passes through English Channel. France is the largest country in West-European country with the second exclusive economic zone in the world. It covers 11,035,000 square kilometers (Dahl, 2006). France is one of the worlds most populated country and also one of the world most developed nation. It is the country with the words’ highest life expectanc y and one of the best in terms of health care facilities as listed by the World Health Organization. In terms of tourism, it is the worlds most visited country receiving 82 million tourists each year. It’s the founding member of United Nations and a member of G8, G20 and NATO among other organizations. Two third of France is composed of mountains and hills. These include the Alps, Pyrenees and Vosges ranges. Mont Blanc in the Alps is the highest mountain in Europe. The capital city of he French Republic is Paris which is the world’s most beautiful city and a popular tourist area (McKenzie, 2007). The French population has diverse origins. Many people have settled in France including Celts, Romans, Germans, Russians, Asians, Africans and North Americans. The population composition and size varies with region in France. Traditionally France used to be a rural based population but today about 75% live in cities and towns. One of the most important parts of France is art a nd culture. Many famous artists are from France with several writers coming from France. Sports are Commonplace in France with soccer being the most common sport activity in France. France is located mid-way between the equator and the North Pole. This gives France a temperate climate with some areas at times becoming either extremely cold. The Mediterranean coast is washed by the warm Gulf Stream current that provide mild winter and hot dry summers. In the mountainous regions of France, climate tends to be moderate with some considerable rain and snow (Dahl, 2006). The official language in France is French although in addition, there are more than seven officially recognized languages including Catalan, Gallo, and Tahitian among others. In addition, there are nine local French based languages which give up to 23 languages spoken in France.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The main religion is Roman Catholic with Muslim, Protestant and Jewish forming the minority. The education in France is composed of 10 years of compulsory education with literacy levels being 99%. The fact that France has access to the rest of the word places it strategically to reach different markets to sell finished products as well as get raw materials for its industries (Kabundi, 2004). Dominant Economic Activity France has many economic activities which it carries on to finance its economy. Key among the economic activities is trade. France mainly relies on exports which earns it a lot of revenue. The exports are wheat, poultry, dairy, beef, pork, wine and fruits especially grapes that are used to make wine. These economic activities are agriculturally based and are mainly practiced in those areas in France that have good climate that favors agriculture. Tourism industry still remains one of the most important economic activities in France providing employme nt to many people. France, because of its moderate climate and a number of tourist attraction centers remain one of the most visited countries in the world. Every year travelers across the world come to France to have a look at the breath taking and interesting view of the landscapes and mountains. They also come with an interest of checking the museums and monuments. Because of these reasons, tourism in France plays a very central role and it has gained a lot of importance in the country. The government has taken all steps necessary to promote tourism. France is deeply involved with word economic bodies like GATT and WTO which continue to shape the economic. These bodies have impacted positively on the face of economic policies. These economic organizations have liberalized market and effects have created new avenues for trade which have promoted the position of France in the global market. In summary, the economic activities in France can be categorized into agriculture, industry, services, trade and exchange. Industries found in France include aircraft, electronics, transportation, textile, clothing and food processing. France is the founding member of NATO and has worked to adapt NATO internally and external (Kabundi, 2004). The Effect of Globalization in France Globalization is changing countries lifestyles with the pace of economic interdependence. This in other words is changing the lives as the pace of interdependence grows between developed and emerging countries. France has reaped substantial benefits from globalization. The important question we need to ask ourselves is what efforts has France done to enable consumers, workers, companies and governments reaped the advantages of globalization which it continues to reap. On trade, globalization has enabled France to reap benefits from both imports and exports. France remains one of the most competitive trading entities in the world.Advertising We will write a custom research paper sample on Fr ance Tourist Industry specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Globalization has enabled France to gain both in manufacturing and service trade which has benefited many companies and industries. Because of globalization, France continues to enjoy strong outflows and inflows. France has experienced net outflows because its one of the most attractive sites for multinationals. Multinationals are finding it particularly advantageous to invest in France given its economic policies which are sound and its strong as well as due to its political stability. Globalization has had an effect on labor mobility in France. Because of globalization, there is now greater mobility of labor. Mobility of labor is the movement of labor from one point to another. This has enabled French firm meet their labor requirements. The immigrants have provided an offsetting factor to the declining population as well as France’s aging population (Adekola Sergi, 2007). Globa lization has an effect on France in that inflation is lower. This has been brought about by more competition and lower cost of inputs. The source of these cheap inputs is from developing countries. It’s important to note that greater demand for food and energy has pushed prices up but despite that, inflation is lower than expected. There have been net gains in employment. Employment growth has slowed down. There have been tougher labor regulations which pose a threat to employment creation in industries. The new rules on cross boarder trade will create more jobs. The other effect of globalization in France is in the issue of wages. Because of globalizations wages have gone up. The increase in wages is because of lower inflation, increase in competition and more product variety which has enhanced consumer choice. Real GDP has grown. This has been brought about by more trade resulting from opened markets. There has been an effect on technology also. Because of globalization Fra nce has experienced technological diffusion. Greater technological know-how has helped to boost trade in services and has as well allowed companies in France to access more of global technology skills of developing countries which has worked well for France (Peng, 2008). Tourism Industry In France The industry I will discuss is France tourist industry. The tourism industry in France is well developed. Tourism industry is one of the most important industries in the economy of France. France is a major tourist destination in the world. Every year travelers across the world come to France to have a look at the breath taking and interesting view of the landscapes and mountains. They also come with an interest of checking the museums and monuments. Because of these reasons, tourism in France plays a very central role and it has gained a lot of importance in the country. The government has taken all steps necessary to promote tourism. The numerous castles, mountain ranges, hills, landscap es, museums and other exiting attraction centers has led to rampant growth of tourism industry in France.Advertising Looking for research paper on communications media? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Tourist coming to France each year gets an opportunity to see the beauty of France as illustrated by snow capped Alps as well as the majestic Pyrenees. One is still offered the opportunity to trek to Mount Blanc which is the highest point in the country. Apart from the sceneries discussed above one is also able to check out ten coastlines along the Mediterranean Sea in the South and the Atlantic Ocean in the West. These spots offer a very suitable site for picnics and other types of holiday outings (Peng, 2008). Tourism industry still remains one of the most important economic activities in France providing employment to many people. France, because of its moderate climate and a number of tourist attraction centers remain one of the most visited countries in the world. While in France, tourist industry also offers one an opportunity to visit the beautiful cities in the country like for instance Paris which is the capital of the country and is one of the most beautiful cities in the world. There are many museums and monuments that can provide one with an opportunity to enjoy his visit in France. These include for instance Eiffel Tower, Cathedral of Notre dam, Arc de Triomphe, Chateau dIf among many others. Tourism industry is important in France and plays a major role towards the economic growth and development of the country. About 6% of the country’s revenue is generated from tourism industry. Many international visitors visit France from time to time which adds revenue to the country. The growth of tourism industry has led to growth of other industries which are an integral part of the culture of French people. For example, the continued influx of visitors has led to the growth of the handicraft industry. As people come to watch the scenery of France, they get a chance to buy traditional French articles and souvenirs. Despite the fact that France gets a lot of benefits from tourism it also has to deal with many disadvantages arising from Tourism. The first important disadvantage is alienation of culture whereby those visiting the country come with their mother countries’ cultural practices. When these cultural practices mix with the cultural practices of France, there is an erosion of Frances culture (Page, 2009). Culture Communication Prevailing National Culture in France French culture represents the diverse nature of the country. France is considered as the cultural centre for the world. Although the French culture has some elements of modernity, it also holds strong to the traditional values and practices. But in France, one is able to see majestic art work which all forms the beauty of French culture. The culture of French has a position for the French music. According to Dahl (2006), â€Å"Basque, Corsica, Brittany are the most popular traditional types of music in France† (p.35). Also Classical music for example, French opera and Romanticism are important part of the culture. Some dos and don’ts also form part of French culture. For instance one is not suppose to rest his feet on the table in France. In addition, one is not allowed to speak with food in his mouth. Also one is not expected to talk with his hands in the pocket. A person in France is not supposed to use tooth pick or a comb in public. There are several foods that form part of French culture and these include for instance sauces, soup, bread, crepes, cheese, and wine among others (Dahl, 2006). According to Fons Trompenaars’ seven dimensions of culture, French culture is classifiable in seven dimensions. Under the Individualism vs. collectivism dimension France has asset of rules which govern the relationship of people with each other. The culture and value gives the do and don’ts. There are those things that you are not allowed to do by the cultural practices of French people. In the Individualism vs. collectivism dimension French people prefer working in a group as opposed to doing duties individuall y. There is a sense of individual achievement among the French and each manager should be keen to use this to his advantage. Under Neutral vs. emotional dimension French people display emotions using various forms of communication these include verbal and non-verbal communication. There is use of gestures to give emotions. There is need for one to understand these gestures well so as to understand the message in them. Under Specific vs. diffuse dimension, the French have a definite way in which they handle relationships. They see relationships as going on in a specific and predetermined way. Under achievement vs. ascription dimension, the French people like achieving status. They do this through hard work. French people are organized and are also very concerned about their time and schedules. They like performance and they enjoy good results of hard work. Under Sequential vs. synchronic dimension French are sequential and very orderly people who believe that each time has its own ac tivities to be done. Under Internal vs. external dimension the French believe in having total control of their environment. This is for example shown by the way they work so hard to maintain a healthy economic status (Dahl, 2006). Analysis of Communication Practices in France Communication in France is deep rooted in the culture of the French people. We have verbal and non-verbal communication in France. One of the first non-verbal communications is eye contact. Whenever eye contact is made, it implies impartiality in France. It’s not normally used by strangers because it can bring another meaning. Eye contact is an indication of friendly relationship especially to a waiter in a hotel. Shaking hands is another form of non-verbal communication. Handshake is important in France because ones character can be judged by the handshake. The other form of none verbal communication is the double kiss. This is important especially for two close people who are parting. It’s also common among family members and even among the public. French people also use gestures in their communication for instance, they count using their figures and when they are counting they begin with the thumb as number one then the index figure as number two and the middle figure as three. There is also a gesture of showing that somebody is lazy. This is done by holding one hand flat and then using the other to pull out as if you are pulling something growing on your palm as you say Il a un poil dans la main†. There is also a gesture to illustrate how delicious something is or how beautiful a thing is. This is done by holding your figures and kissing the figure tips. After which you open your hand and toss the figures in the air. To show that you have finished doing something, you can do that easily using a gesture. What you do is to cross the arms in front of your body with your palms out then you move them suddenly out. That means that you have finished doing something. There is yet another gesture that shows that you want to sleep and to show that somebody is asleep here you put your palms together then you place your hands on the shoulder then rest your cheek on your hands. To add more weight or to stress that somebody is asleep you may close your eyes. There is yet â€Å"another sign that shows that one smells badly or even to show that something smells badly or is repugnant† (Dahl, 2006, p.40). This is done by holding your nose. There is a gesture associated with swearing in which you put or place your hand on top of your head. This tells that you swear or promise what you have told somebody. When you want to mean nothing you can do that using a gesture. This is done by forming a circle with you figure and the thumb. To say that you are sorry, people cover their mouth by use of either one or both of your hands. This shows that you are sorry for your actions. Light kissing is also regarded as a normal practice in this country. The number of ki sses and the side of the cheek that kiss starts varies from one region to another. French shake hands when they meet somebody and this is common especially in the business circles. It’s not good to slap an open palm over a crossed fist because this is generally considered a vulgar gesture. Cross Cultural Management Cultural characteristics affect innovation in France. For an industry operating in France must realize that culture throughout France is varied and to ensure cross cultural management it’s important to mind to treat each person with equal respect. It’s safe to be formal and reserved in your behavior and expect your French colleagues will be the same. Communication can be formal and informal depending on the relationship between you. The French culture emphasizes courtesy and a high degree of formality. The chief managers in the French companies come from a select group of Universities and share a similar background (Adler Allison, 2008). New managers in the French industries should carefully study the corporate culture of the companies they are coming to manage. This is because employees come from various cultural backgrounds. They therefore range between those who are open to the management to those who keep to themselves and those who believe it’s important to keep quiet and execute the orders of the management. France culture allows for intellectual adaptability and readiness for change. France is considered to have minimum tolerance to change and risk. It’s therefore important for the management to introduce change gradually having considered the benefits of the change if it’s to be accepted by the people. The fear of exposure and embarrassment brings aversion to risk. In France, failure causes long-tem loss of confidence by the individual as well as buys the others. This attitude in France is the one that the managers should look at keenly and also consider having intercultural sensitivity especially w hen conducting meetings and discussing the contributions done b y each individual (Punnett, 2010). France is a country controlled by time culture and the adherence to schedules is very important. In France, missing a deadline shows poor management skills and inefficiency. This will affect people’s confidence. So it implies that effective cross cultural management will require that an individual have the ability to meet deadlines. When it comes to effective decisions making, the management also need to have in mind that the French have a strong cultural perceptions. Hierarchy is an important part of the French business culture. In France rank has its privilege. Decisions making normally originates from top level sometimes without consultation. The French like working in a team and well coordinated groups. They value communication within the group to be quite collegial, albeit and somehow direct. French like it when the roles in the team are clearly defined (Goeldner Ritchie, 2009). This helps people to take a greater responsibility for their specific tasks. Successful cross cultural management will depend on the individual’s ability to harness the talent of the group and to capitalize on it. In the area of communications and negotiations, the French prefer courtesy and degree of formality. It’s important in France to wait to be told to sit because may be there is a protocol to be followed. During communications it’s important to try and avoid cross cultural misunderstandings. French don’t like confrontational behavior or high pressure strategies to achieving goals. These need to be avoided. It’s also good to understand that the French are very keen to detail. French are happy about good debating skills that demonstrate an underlying intelligence. It’s not wise to be too friendly to the French because they mainly focus on their business and personal lives. In summary, in France the following points are important in cross cultural management. Individual respect/demand for authority creates tension with strong belief in individualism High tolerance of blunders on the part of management Management system is elitist and autocratic, but not familial (there is a merit based element to it) Organizations are highly centralized and hierarchical with decisions made at the top Information is not allowed to filter down below certain levels of the organization The president of a French company is not answerable to anyone and status is attributed on the grounds of family, age, education, and professional qualifications (Endy, 2004). Leadership Style The management style I would propose is the authoritarian style of leadership. This is where the manager tells the employees what is to be done and the employees in return do exactly that. Employees in this type of leadership style are not given room to decide how and when to perform their duties. The manager who is seen as the boss is the one who does that . I would propose this style of leadership based on the cultural perspectives of the French people. The organizations in France are highly centralized with decisions coming from the top. Also information is not allowed to come from the employees but instead comes from the management. Leadership style like democratic style may not work well given the culture and circumstance of French people (Endy, 2004). Appropriate Motivation Techniques for Local Workers The most important and effective means of motivating workers is providing incentive. The company can have award schemes for workers who do their work well. These incentives can take form of cash, bonus or even non-cash items. Because the French value group works, I would recommend that the incentives be given to groups and teams as well as to the individuals who perform well. The reason I fell that incentive is the best way to motivate the employees is because French are keen to detail and pay keen to minute aspects. It’s th erefore in that spirit that the organization should reward them with something that they can feel. Also French have strong sense on individualism and therefore giving a reward to somebody reaches down to his personality. In addition to being given incentives, the France government can as well introduce promotional packs to the employees these promotional packs go along way to motivate the employees and feel part of the organization (Dahl, 2004). Effect of Cultural Characteristics of France on Ethics Cultural characteristics of France have an effect ethics. This is because ethics originate from values and cultures of the people concerned. For example, in a country where the culture values morals then it would be important for the industry in that country to have good ethics. In a country where culture dictates on the values then the industrial ethics must be a reflection of those values. For instance, in France the culture has an element of courtesy it becomes important therefore for the business to have business ethics geared towards achieving high standards of courtesy. A variation in ethical issues especially those dealing with employee welfare can work well for the tourism industry in France. This is where employees are let not just to implement policies but to generate policies as well. Culture governs ethics like you should not put your feet on the table, you should not also use tooth picks in public. Talking with hands in pockets is also not allowed. A fruit should be peeled with a knife and eaten with a fork. All hand should be kept on top of the table and one should not speak with food in his mouth (Kabundi, 2004). Key Challenges for the Retention and Dissemination of Knowledge The key challenge for the retention and dissemination of knowledge for a company operating within this country is first is the issue of dealing with employees from various cultures. Differences exist about what different people term as good or bad. Also different gestures mean d ifferent things to different people. In communicating with such people it might be a challenge. There will also be a challenge in retention and dissemination of information owing to the unique nature of kind of the clients it handles. Tourism industry handles unique clients from diverse parts of the word. Giving communication that has meaning to these people is a problem. The people come from different countries each with its own ways of communicating and passing message. Unifying all these people from different background to a common means and mode of communication is a challenge (Punnett, 2010). Conclusion France is a country of diverse culture and these diverse cultures have an effect on business ethics in the industries operating within France. Communication in France is deep rooted in the culture of the French people. We have verbal and non-verbal communication in France. France culture allows for intellectual adaptability and readiness for change. France is considered to have minimum tolerance to change and risk. It’s therefore important for the management to introduce change gradually having considered the benefits of the change if it’s to be accepted by the people. The fear of exposure and embarrassment brings aversion to risk (Kabundi, 2004). In France, failure causes long term loss of confidence by the individual as well as buys the others. Tourism industry in France is well developed with many visitors coming to the country throughout the year. Tourism is one of the main revenue earners. The reason why France receives many tourists is because of its fantastic landscape and excellent scenery. France has taken advantage of globalization in that it has expanded its market reaches as well as supplying it with labor. Globalization has had an effect on labor mobility in France. Because of globalization, there is now greater mobility of labor. Mobility of labor is the movement of labor from one point to another. This has enabled French firm m eet their labor requirements. The immigrants have provided an offsetting factor to the declining population as well as France’s aging population (Punnett, 2010). References Adekola, A. Sergi, B. (2007). Global business management: a cross-cultural perspective. Washington, DC: Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Adler, N. J. Allison, G. (2008). International dimensions of organizational behavior.5 Edn. London: Thompson. Dahl, M. (2006). France. Paris: Capstone Press. Endy, C. (2004). Cold War holidays: American tourism in France. Paris: UNC Press Books. Goeldner, C. Ritchie, B. (2009). Tourism: Principles, practices and philosophies. London: John Wiley and Sons. Kabundi, A. (2004). Estimation of economic growth in France using business survey data. London: International Monetary Fund. McKenzie, B. (2007). Remaking France: Americanization, public diplomacy, and the Marshall plan. Paris: Berghahn Books. Page, S. (2009). Tourism management: Managing for change. Munich: Butterworth-Heinem ann. Peng, M. W. (2008). Global business. New Jersey, NJ: Cengage Learning. Punnett, B. J. (2010). Experiencing international business and management: Exercises, projects, and cases. London: M.E. Sharpe.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 3

Case Study - Essay Example E.ON has shown good business sense when it adopted some serious almost desperate measures to control emissions for which its employees and their non operation actions were responsible. Employees cannot be restricted where daily work related operations are concerned. However when it comes to daily non-operations activities, the firm wants to ensure that its employees are seen as environment-caring souls. Thus E.ON has come up with a series of actions that is meant to reduce emissions and these measures include giving up expensive cars, car pooling, use of company’s hybrid cars and even preferring public transport or bicycles. E.ON understands that UK is currently facing an emission crisis. In a desperate attempt to reduce CO2 emissions, UK is planning to close almost one third of its power plants in next 12 years. By 2020, UK wants major reduction in emission to achieve a 60 percent reduction by 2050. Increasing concentrations of ‘greenhouse gases’ from human activities arc expected to cause a significant change in the earth’s climate. This may have important consequences for the environment of the UK. The main gases involved are carbon dioxide (CO2 ), methane (CH4 ), nitrous oxide (NO), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) and ozone (O3 ). These gases absorb outgoing infra-red radiation which has been reradiated from the earth’s surface. Observed global temperature increases over recent years are consistent with estimated increases caused by increased greenhouse gas concentrations. Although a molecule of CO2 is less potent than molecules of other greenhouse gases, the quantity of emissions is relatively so large that CO2 is the major contributor to global warming. Under its Climate Change Program, the UK is committed to reducing CO2 and CH4 emissions to 1990 levels by the year 2020. Total UK emissions of CO2 fell by 7 per cent, and of CH4 by 15 per cent, between 1990 and 1995, largely reflecting the decreasing use of coal in